Saturday, 25 August 2007

Garage Sale Bargain

We went garage saling this morning. And I found this. It is a dusky pink (much pinker than in the picture though) and it is 40% Alpaca and 60% Courtelle, I have just weighed it and it comes in at a spit above 500 grams and I paid the princely sum of $5. Thats Aussie dollars too! I wish I had gotten there earlier!!

Don't ask about those socks, I will just say see the photo below as they look JUST LIKE THAT! lol!!!

As I am trying to become a FLYgirl ( I am seriously going to have to make some dishclothes for myself. I have all the stuff I just need to do, as Flylady says to set out a clean dishcloth and teatowel everynight for the next day and I want nice dishclothes!!!

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